
Câmara Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - SP
Arquitetura de Software

Considere as afirmações abaixo.

I - In Object-Oriented Programming, the Bridge pattern is used to separate the interface of class from its implementation, so that either can be varied separately. At first sight, the bridge pattern looks much like the Adapter pattern, in that a class is used to convert one kind of interface to another. However, the intent of the Adapter pattern is to make one or more class interfaces look the same as that of a particular class. The Bridge pattern is designed to separate a class interface from its implementation, so that you can vary or replace the implementation without changing the client code.

II - First normal form (1NF) means that a table has no multivalued attributes or composite attributes. (A composite attribute contains other attributes and can therefore be divided into smaller parts.) All relational tables are by definition in 1NF, because the value of any column in a row must be atomic—that is, single valued.

Pode-se afirmar que:

  • d-

    The Bridge pattern does resemble the Adapter pattern as one class stands in good stead to convert one sort of interface to another. However, the bridge pattern is meant to split an interface from its implementation, so there are no stiff-necked classes to hinder changes in the implementation.

    The first normal form (1NF) means just that: that a table should have no multivalued attributes that could gum up a query's capacity for searching for a specific tuple.