O "Modelo de Esquema"... é a base do LDAP!
"LDAP Schema Model
O modelo de esquema LDAP define os tipos de dados e elementos de informação que você pode armazenar em um diretório. A unidade básica de informações em um diretório é uma entrada, que contém informações sobre um objeto específico, como uma pessoa ou computador. As entradas são compostas de atributos, que consistem em um tipo e um ou mais valores. Cada atributo obedece a uma sintaxe que determina o tipo de valores que cada atributo pode conter. Exemplos de tipos de atributos são seqüência de caracteres unicode, binário e inteiro. LDAP permite que você codificar a maioria dos elementos dados protocolo como seqüências de caracteres comuns."
Fonte: https://notloaded.wordpress.com/2011/09/04/ldap-lightweight-directory-access-protocol/
Information model
The information model provides the structures and data types necessary for building an LDAP directory tree. An entry is the basic unit in an LDAP directory. You can visualize an entry as either an interior or exterior node in the Directory Information Tree (DIT). An entry contains information about an instance of one or more es. These es have certain required or optional attributes. Attribute types have defined encoding and matching rules that govern such things as the type of data the attribute can hold and how to compare this data during a search. This information model will be covered extensively in the next chapter when we examine LDAP schema.
Naming model
The naming model defines how entries and data in the DIT are uniquely referenced. Each entry has an attribute that is unique among all siblings of a single parent. This unique attribute is called the relative distinguished name (RDN). You can uniquely identify any entry within a directory by following the RDNs of all the entries in the path from the desired node to the root of the tree. This string created by combining RDNs to form a unique name is called the node’s distinguished name (DN).
In , the directory entry outlined in the dashed square has an RDN of . Note that the attribute name as well as the value are included in the RDN. The DN for this node would be .
Functional model
The functional model is the LDAP protocol itself. This protocol provides the means for accessing the data in the directory tree. Access is implemented by authentication operations (bindings), query operations (searches and reads), and update operations (writes).
Security model
The security model provides a mechanism for clients to prove their identity (authentication) and for the server to control an authenticated client’s access to data (authorization). LDAPv3 provides several authentication methods not available in previous protocol versions. Some features, such as access control lists, have not been standardized yet, leaving vendors to their own devices.
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