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Active Directory
Before installing
the App-V Management Server, the following objects in Active Directory must be
Organizational Unit (OU): Create an OU in Active Directory for Microsoft Application
Virtualization–specific groups and for the necessary Microsoft Application
Virtualization domain account.
Microsoft Application Virtualization Administrative
Group: Microsoft Application Virtualization requires
selection of an Active Directory group to use as an App-V administrators group
for controlling administrative access to the Management Console. Create a global
security group named “AppV
Administrators,” and add to this group every user who needs to use the Management
Console, by default add the built-in administrator.
Microsoft Application Virtualization
Users Group: The Trial Guide assumes that every user
account that accesses Microsoft Application Virtualization Management Server functions
is a member of a single group for general platform access. Create a group named
“AppV Users.”
Microsoft Application Virtualization
Computers Group: The Trial Guide assumes that
every computer account that accesses Microsoft Application Virtualization Management
Server functions is a member of a single group for general platform access. You
can use an existing group (such as Domain Computers) or create a new group. Create
a group named “AppV Computers.” Add
the App-V Client computer to the AppV Computers group.
Domain Test User Account: This account will be the user test account for Microsoft
Application Virtualization end-user functionality. Add your domain
test user account to the AppV Users group
presented earlier in this list.
Application Groups (Optional): Microsoft Application Virtualization associates the right to use an
individual application with an Active Directory group. For the purposes of simplifying
this guide, all test applications are associated with the Microsoft Application
Virtualization User Group (AppV Users),
even though many other options exist for production use, such as creating
separate AD groups for specific applications.