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Qual é a função principal do ARP?
O protocolo ARP (Address Resolution Protocol ou, em português, Protocolo de Resolução de Endereço) tem um papel fundamental entre os protocolos da camada Internet da suíte TCP/IP, porque permite conhecer o endereço físico de uma placa de rede que corresponde a um endereço IP.
Isso é o que tem no pacote ARP em si, tem 4 campos e tem tudo:
Sender hardware address (SHA)
Media address of the sender. In an ARP request this field is used to indicate the address of the host sending the request. In an ARP reply this field is used to indicate the address of the host that the request was looking for.
Sender protocol address (SPA)
Internetwork address of the sender.
Target hardware address (THA)
Media address of the intended receiver. In an ARP request this field is ignored. In an ARP reply this field is used to indicate the address of the host that originated the ARP request.
Target protocol address (TPA)
Internetwork address of the intended receiver.