
Engenharia de Software

Qual tipo de teste é usado para testar especificamente o comportamento de um sistema sob demanda de recursos em quantidade, frequência ou volume anormais?

  • Teste de Stresse

    Verifica a sobrecarga do sistema.

    São particularmente relevantes para sistemas distribuídos baseados em uma rede de processadores. Esses sistemas frequentemente apresentam degradação servera quando estão muito carregados.

    Esses testes ajudam-no a descobrir quando a degradação começa, e , assim, você adicionar controles ao sistema para rejeitar operações além desse ponto.




    Engenharia de Software 9ed - Sommerville


  • Stress testing continues these tests beyond the maximum design load of the system until the system fails. This type of testing has two functions:

    1. It tests the failure behaviour of the system. Circumstances may arise through an unexpected combination of events where the load placed on the system exceeds the maximum anticipated load. In these circumstances, it is important that system failure should not cause data corruption or unexpected loss of user services. Stress testing checks that overloading the system causes it to ‘fail-soft’ rather than collapse under its load.

    2. It stresses the system and may cause defects to come to light that would not normally be discovered. Although it can be argued that these defects are unlikely to cause system failures in normal usage, there may be unusual combinations of normal circumstances that the stress testing replicates.

    Stress testing is particularly relevant to distributed systems based on a network of processors. These systems often exhibit severe degradation when they are heavily loaded. The network becomes swamped with coordination data that the different processes must exchange, so the processes become slower and slower as they wait for the required data from other processes.

    SOMMERVILLE Software Engineering 8