Achei a questão um pouco confusa. Vejamos:
· The Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol (RRIP, IEEE P1282) is an extension to the ISO 9660 volume format, commonly used on CDROM and DVD media, which adds POSIX file system semantics. The availability of these extension properties allows for better integration with Unix and Unix-like operating systems.
· Many current PC operating systems—including Microsoft Windows[citation needed], Linux[2], Mac OS X[citation needed], FreeBSD[3], and OpenSolaris[4] -- are able to read Joliet-formatted media, thus allowing exchange of files between those operating systems even if non-Roman characters are involved (such as Arabic, Japanese or Cyrillic), which was formerly not possible with plain ISO 9660-formatted media.The Joliet extension is favored in the MS Windows world.
Pelo que entendi, ambas as extensões do formato ISO 9660, Rock Ridge e Joliet, podem ser utilizadas na criação de um CD para sistemas Linux sob o NetBSD, onde a extensão Rock Ridge pode ser usada preferencialmente, e não necessariamente. Observo também que no próprio enunciado são questionadas quais as extensões (no plural) suportadas, sugerindo mais de uma resposta.