- ID
- 1707703
- Banca
- Órgão
- Ano
- 2015
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Programação
- Assuntos
O texto abaixo afirma que:
“Developers seem to agree that one of the most
important qualities of code is its readability. Code
that's written in a way that makes it easy for other
programmers to understand with a minimal amount
of time and effort is considered top notch.
“I feel that if I can't understand the author's intent
in 5 minutes or less, the coder did a bad job," said
Luke Burnham, a senior software engineer at
Lionbridge. “The computer doesn't care about
variable names or line spacing but people do. Code
is written once but read hundreds of times over its
lifetime. Using meaningful variable names and
injecting spaces in order to increase the readability
of the code will make code better."
An anonymous senior web application developer
with more than a decade of professional
programming experience also recommended to me
that writing good code means, “Following a
consistent coding style (proper spacing,
indentation, general flow)." He also emphasized
the importance of choosing “Variable names that
make sense."
“Wrap Early, Wrap Often," is the personal policy of
Neil Best, a senior application developer at Gogo.
“This may be a personal preference / style thing,
but I go for tall over wide, not to inflate my line
counts but actually to increase legibility," he told
me. “If a function has two arguments put them on
two new lines. If an arithmetic expression has
many terms give them each their own line. Your
interpreter may require you to use trailing
operators (RTFM) but it's worth it."
In short, more readable equals more
understandable which makes everyone's life
“The faster someone can look at it and understand
it. The faster the application will move forward
(feature and revenue)," said commenter Glennular
on Stack Overflow. Or, as Stack Exchange user
mojuba put it, “There is really no good criteria
other than how fast you can understand the code."
www.javaworld.com em 26/09/2015.