
Banco de Dados

Acerca dos procedimentos de exportação e importação de dados por meio do MySQL 5.7, julgue o item seguinte.

A função exportação de dados permite exportar a estrutura de uma tabela, sem que sejam exportados os seus dados.

  • A resposta esta na pergunta:

    A exportação de dados permite ....., sem que sejam exportados os dados?

    Afinal exporta dados ou não exporta?

  • Você pode exportar:

    1. Somente dados;

    2. Somente estrutura;

    3. Dados e estrutura.

  • Use mysqldump to get the schema only


    The MySQL command line tool mysqldump is used to create backup copies (or dumps) of databases including the structure or schema and the data itself. There are a number of command line flags which can get MySQL to dump just the data or just the structure instead of everything. This post looks at how to dump just the schema of the MySQL database as a whole, for a single table, or for several tables.


    Dumping the database structure for all tables with no data


    Add the -d flag to signify that no data should be included in the output like so, where "mydatabase" is the name of the database to dump, and "someuser" is the login name used to connect to the database. The following command will dump the table structure for all tables in the specified MySQL database:


    mysqldump -d -u someuser -p mydatabase


    The -d flag says not to include data in the dump. Alternatively you can use --no-data instead if you find that easier to remember:


    mysqldump --no-data -u someuser -p mydatabase


    The -u flag indicates the username and the -p flag that a password will be supplied. After pressing you will be prompted for the password.

    Alternatively, the password can be supplied on the command line, but there must be no space between the -p flag and the password. For example, if the password was "apples" do this:


    mysqldump --no-data -u someuser -papples mydatabase


    Dumping the database structure for one table with no data


    It's the same to dump data for a single table, using the same sort of syntax as the above but adding the table to dump to the end of the command. To dump the structure of a table called "products" do this:


    mysqldump -d -u someuser -p mydatabase products