Page Events
The onload() event handler will run Javascript code that you want to run after everything on the page has finished loading. Unlike Javascript code placed at the very bottom of the web page source which will run after the whole HTML file has loaded but possibly before all of the images finish loading, any Javascript code triggered by the onload event handler will only run after everything needed by the web page including all images, scripts, stylesheets, and multimedia files have finished downloading to your visitors computer and loading into their browser window. To keep the code in the body tag itself short, the onload event handler usually runs a function from the head section of the page which itself contains the Javascript that is to be run after everything on the page is loaded. Here is an example:
<body onload="initdt(document.myForm);">
As you can see, in this example a parameter is being passed to the function that refers to some of the web page content. The whole web page needs to have loaded before this function can run otherwise the part of the page referred to by the parameter may not be accessible.
The other time in the life of a web page where you may want to run some Javascript is when the web page is being unloaded to make way for another web page. The onunload() event handler can be used to run this Javascript code for you.
The use of the onunload event handler is identical to that of onload except for the timing of when the event handler is triggered. You can of course put both event handlers on the body tag if you require Javascript to run at both times.
The onresize() event handler is a another that is attached to the body tag like onload and onunload. This event handler is triggered if the page being viewed is resized (ie. the browser window becomes larger or smaller).
The onscroll() event handler can also be attached to the body tag. This event handler is triggered every time that the page being viewed is scrolled (either horizontally or vertically). This event handler is supported by most modern browsers (Netscape 6 is the most recent browser that does not support this event).