ID 1917811 Banca Marinha Órgão Quadro Complementar Ano 2013 Provas Marinha - 2013 - Quadro Complementar - Segundo-Tenente - Ciências Náuticas - Área de Máquinas Disciplina Ciências Navais According to Chapter I of the Annex to the STCW Convention, Regulation 1/1/ what is the definition for Chief Engineer Officer? Alternativas The officer under training to become a Chief Mate in accordance with the provisions of chapter III (engine department) of the Convention. The officer responsible for the mechanical propulsion and the operation and maintenance of the mechanical and electrical installations of the ship. The officer next in rank to the master and upon whom the command of the ship will fali in the event of the incapacity of the master. The officer holding an appropriate certificate issued or recognized by the Administration under the provisions of the Engine Department Convention. The officer on board the ship, accountable to the master, designed by the company as responsible for the security of the ship. Responder Comentários Letra B O famoso Chefe de Máquinas - CheMaq