
TRT - 14ª Região (RO e AC)


      Microsoft has a problem when it comes to sticking with product names. With the exception of Windows and Office, it seems to re-brand its offerings every few years. Sometimes it's arbitrary (at least to customers). Sometimes it's ....I... of legalities. Take FolderShare, for instance, which was acquired by Microsoft in 2005 and promptly renamed Windows Live FolderShare − everything was called "Live" back then. In the years since, it has been Windows Live Mesh, Essentials, Live Folders, and SkyDrive.

      SkyDrive is a great name, but it was taken. Sort of. Microsoft got sued in the U.K. by broadcaster BSkyB for using the word "Sky." A court agreed that it infringed a trademark, and Microsoft had to rebrand again. In keeping with other products like OneNote and Xbox One, it went with OneDrive.

      OneDrive really should be a bigger name than it is. But Microsoft isn't as synonymous with cloud/sync as Dropbox or Google Drive. The latter has the excellent integration of Docs and Sheets for online editing, but OneDrive has something arguably better: full integration with Office. Office Online houses the online versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. Plus, OneDrive is integrated directly with Windows − no utility needed. All it takes to access OneDrive is a Microsoft account. The service will sync files between all your Windows and Mac computers, which you can access online via mobile apps and the Web.

      OneDrive also made a big splash announcing unlimited online storage in 2014, but recently took that option away thanks to a small number of users who abused the privilege, Microsoft claims.

(Adapted from: http://www.pcmag.com/slideshow/story/329141/16-tips-to-help-you-master-microsoft-onedrive

A palavra que preenche a lacuna ...I... corretamente é

  • because of

    due to

    caused by

  • Excelente.

    Vamos na fé.

  • because

    The conjunction Because calls for the preposition displayed after the vacancy in the passage. The remainder of the options would cause a collocation error.

    A resposta é a palavra cuja regência exija "of", a qual é because (além do contexto, o qual é de causa).

  • because of = por causa de

    due of = devido a

    bons estudos!

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre palavras conectivas.

    Vejamos o trecho em questão:

    Microsoft has a problem when it comes to sticking with product names. With the exception of Windows and Office, it seems to re-brand its offerings every few years. Sometimes it's arbitrary (at least to customers). Sometimes it's _______of legalities.
    Tradução - A Microsoft tem um problema quando se trata de manter nomes de produtos. Com exceção do Windows e do Office, ela parece mudar a marca de suas ofertas a cada poucos anos. Às vezes, é arbitrário (pelo menos para os clientes). Às vezes é ________ de legalidades.

    Podemos perceber que a lacuna deve ser preenchida por "por causa, por motivo, em razão".
    Como há a preposição "of" logo após a lacuna, precisamos de uma palavra que possa ser usada dessa forma. Em Inglês não existe "due of", "although of", "why of" e nem "caused of". Portanto, só nos resta a alternativa A, "because of", que significa "por causa de".

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra A.