
Prefeitura de Teresina - PI

Abaixo são transcritos pequenos trechos de um artigo de autoria de Andy Engel, no original em inglês, sobre os princípios da construção sustentável, dentre outros, citados na cartilha A3P:
I. Title: “Green Building Basics − Seven principles that make up this important, growing trend”.
II. “Solar orientation is the most important design element. Heating and cooling loads in a home could be cut significantly by orienting the long walls of houses east-west, exposing south facing windows in winter, and shading them in summer, and avoiding expanses of glass on west-facing walls that get the full brunt of the flat afternoon sun”.
III. “Similar Energy Star–rated appliances can vary in actual consumption, so go one step further and compare annual energy use printed on each appliance's label”.
IV. “There are two approaches to improving indoor air quality (IAQ). The first is reducing the use of products that off-gas [off-gassing from OSB, most forms of particle board, and some carpet and their glues]”.
V. “Simply choosing one product over another is the easiest, yet the least important path to going green. Look for swaps that take something not as green and replace it with something greener that requires no changes in worker skills”.
Com relação aos trechos do artigo,

  • Mesmo para quem não tem um bom inglês, pode-se realizar eliminação das alternativas sabendo apenas da A3P.

    Gabarito E.

  • Essa questão deveria estar classificada como: Direito Ambiental -> Agenda Ambiental na Administração Pública (A3P).

  • FCC, Are you de brincation with me?

    Oh my fucking God! I really don't how I was able to choose the right answer for this questions