- ID
- 2190115
- Banca
- Órgão
- Prefeitura de Teresina - PI
- Ano
- 2016
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Inglês
- Assuntos
“Connectors, or conjunctives (Halliday &
Hasan, 1976), are a type of cohesion device
that make explicit the logical relations
between sentences (cause, addition,
comparison, condition, etc.). Common
connectors include and, but, however, and
because. Such connectors are of limited
utility, however, unless the reader
understands how connectors function and
the logical relationship each specifies.”
Source: GOLDMAN, Susan R. & MURRAY,
John. Knowledge of Connectors as
Cohesion Devices in Text: A Comparative
Study of Native English and ESL Speakers.
(Adapted) In: www.dtic.mil/cgibin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA213269.
March 23rd, 2016.
From the groups of logical conjunctives
below, which one contains connectors that
specify a similar logical relation?