ID 2190145 Banca NUCEPE Órgão Prefeitura de Teresina - PI Ano 2016 Provas NUCEPE - 2016 - Prefeitura de Teresina - PI - Professor - Língua Inglesa Disciplina Inglês Assuntos Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects The word in bold type is NOT a part of the modifier in the nominal group in the sentence Alternativas “a heartbreaking reality around the district.” “the majority of the countries faced with bank failures.” “an important objective of community development policy.” “the evolution path of such a type of laboratory.” “her daughter's college tuition bill.” Responder Comentários Around altera district; bank altera failures; important altera objetive; tuition altera bill, mas evolution que altera path e não o contrário. É só pensar "É qualquer failure? Não, é bank failure, então é modificado por bank" a- Around - adverb 1. in a circle, ring, or the like; so as to surround a person, group, thing, etc.: The crowd gathered around. 2. on all sides; about: His land is fenced all around. 3. in all directions from a center or point of reference: He owns the land for miles around. ( Adverbios nao modificam substantivos