
Prefeitura de Teresina - PI

     As (1) ______ result of the new information technologies and computer-mediated communications, contemporary communication has become highly multimodal moving, particularly, towards the extensive use of (2) _______image, while meaning is inevitably derived from ways that are multimodal. Nowadays, almost all texts consist of visual elements, which in combination with language hold a prominent role in conveying the essential information. In this context, people, especially youths, are exposed to (3) _______ variety of multimodal texts, such as video games, websites, picture books, school textbooks, magazine articles, advertisements, and graphic novels - that involve a complex interplay of written text, visual images, graphics, and design elements.
    As a consequence of (4) _______ above social changes, the field of education, in particular, the teaching and learning of languages has been influenced, as the traditional literacy pedagogy, which emphasizes language as a central means of meaning, has been challenged to expand beyond the skills of encoding and decoding texts. In this way, educators should draw on the Multiliteracies framework and reconsider their instructional approaches in order to familiarize students, especially, foreign language learners, with the multimodal approach by accentuating the interplay of language and image that are present in conventional and electronic texts.
Source: adapted from https://www.academia.edu/6247350/Strategic_re ading_in_multimodal_EFL_texts. Access: March 24th , 2016.

The most suitable articles to fill up the blanks 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the text 04, respectively are:

  • A) Explicação

    Antes de consoante usa o artigo (a result)

    O texto está tratando do extensivo uso de imagens logo (of the).

    No terceiro caso a mesma coisa do primeiro (a variety)

    Por eliminação já deu pra matar a questão

  • a-


    the above social changes. a variety of....


    why should one say "the use of the image" rather than "the use of an image"?

    It's not the image, as a noun, that is important. It's its application that needs specification, which calls for the definite article. 

  • (1) a result -> artigo indefinido usado antes de palavra iniciadas com consoantes.


    (2) the image -> artigo definido.


    (3)variety ->  artigo indefinido usado antes de palavra iniciadas com consoantes.


    (4) the above -> artigo definido.



  • artigo definido = the ,a ,o as,os

    artigo indefinido=a,um an,uma

    a= usa quando começar com consoante

    an=usa quando começar com vogal

    one=quando for numeral

    the =nao usa antes de nomes de pessoas ,cidades,coias sentidos gerais,ao falar idioma

    the= usa quando estiver repetindo mesma palavra 2x