police = plural form
A opcao D é a incorreta, mas a C também não deveria ser escrita com S no final do verbo? >> The Government wants to increase taxes
sobre letra A
The word "police" is rather special: It has no singular noun form. Something like that police over there is securing the scene would be incorrect. One would always construct sentences in the plural form like so:
The police are out in force today.
Anything done by the police will reflect on them.
Other words that take no singular form would include pants, trousers, scissors, and clothes.
Confusion arises because "police" is also used as an adjective. Consider these sentences:
A police department is housed in that building.
The police chief was highly visible at the town meeting.
In these two sentences, we are not speaking of "a police". You could easily remove the word from both sentences and they would make sense semantically and grammatically. Instead, the word describes the department or chief. It gives us context.
"Police" also has a verb form. You may encounter it like this:
The Boy Scout troop must police the area before they leave to remove any trash.
The verb means "to investigate, to search, to clean up". This certainly does fit in with a subset of the duties of a police department.
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Questão de conhecimento de flexão de substantivos para o plural e de vocabulário, vamos às alternativas para identificar qual é alternativa em que o uso do singular ou do plural está INCORRETO:
A) Incorreta - The police are investigating the murder.
Os policiais estão investigando o assassinato.
Nessa alternativa, apesar de parecer estar errada, está certa, pois o substantivo "police" não muda quando colocado no plural, por isso o uso do verbo no plural (are) não torna a frase incorreta.
B) Incorreta - They are nice people.
Eles são pessoas legais
Frase corretamente escrita
C) Incorreta - The Government want to increase taxes.
O governo quer aumentar as taxas
O sujeito "the government" pode ser substituído por "eles", por isso a concordância do verbo no plural pode ser o want mesmo.
D) Correta - Gymnastics are my favourite sport.
Ginástica é meu esporte favorito.
Aqui, o correto seria: Gymnastics is my favorite sport, pois Gymnastics, apesar de terminar com s, é uma palavra no singular (ginástica) por isso deveria ser usado o verbo no singular (is) para concordar.
Gabarito: D