ID 2504332 Banca Marinha Órgão EFOMM Ano 2017 Provas Marinha - 2017 - EFOMM - Oficial da Marinha Mercante - Primeiro Dia Disciplina Inglês Assuntos Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects Choose the correct sentence. Alternativas Pancho is always happy to offer advise if you ask him for it. Teachers always advice parents to emphasize studying at home. My doctor adviced me to go to the gym more often. John has a bad habit of offering unsolicited advice. Sarah will advice the city council that the deadline might need to be extended. Responder Comentários Escolha a alternativa correta.A) Pancho is always happy to offer advise if you ask him for it. A palavra correta é "advice"(conselhos)Pancho is always happy to offer advice (...) Pancho está sempre feliz em oferecer conselhos(...) Incorreta.B) Teachers always advice parents to emphasize studying at home. A palavra correta é "advise"(verbo aconselhar) Teachers always advise parents(...) Professores sempre aconselham pais(...) Incorreta.C) My doctor adviced me to go to the gym more often. A palavra correta é "advised"(verbo aconselhou) My doctor advised me (...) Meu médico me aconselhou (...) Incorreta.D) John has a bad habit of offering unsolicited advice. Advice (conselho) Correta.E) Sarah will advice the city council that the deadline might need to be extended. A palavra correta é "will advise"(verbo aconselhará) Sarah will advise the city (...) Sarah aconselhará (...) Incorreta.Gabarito do Professor: D Advice (conselho) e advise (aconselhar/orientar)