a) não encontrei no man linux
b) sfdisk - manipulação de partição do disco
c) ssm - System Storage Manager: a single tool to manage your storage.
d) fsck - check and repair a Linux file system.
e) não encontrei no man linux
Letra C
FSCK - File System Check
File systems may be checked for consistency, and optionally repaired, with file system-specific userspace tools. These tools are often referred to as fsck tools, where fsck is a shortened version of file system check.
SSM - System Storage Manager
System Storage Manager (SSM) provides a command line interface to manage storage in various technologies. Storage systems are becoming increasingly complicated through the use of Device Mappers (DM), Logical Volume Managers (LVM), and Multiple Devices (MD).
16.2.4. Checking a File System's Consistency
The ssm check command checks the file system consistency on the volume. It is possible to specify multiple volumes to check. If there is no file system on the volume, then the volume is skipped.
# ssm check /dev/lvm_pool/lvol001
o que são exatamente esses comandos ?