ID 2738791 Banca FUNRIO Órgão AL-RR Ano 2018 Provas FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) Disciplina Inglês Assuntos Palavras conectivas | Connective words In many countries, however, lack of government support, or a shortage of foreign aid, has hindered the achievement of language-teaching goals. The connective underlined in the excerpt is replaced correctly with no alteration of meaning in Alternativas Henceforth, in many countries lack of government support, or a shortage of foreign aid, has hindered the achievement of languageteaching goals. Furthermore, in many countries, lack of government support, or a shortage of foreign aid, has hindered the achievement of languageteaching goals, also. Notwithstanding, in many countries, lack of government support, or a shortage of foreign aid, has hindered the achievement of languageteaching goals. Thus, in many countries lack of government support, or a shortage of foreign aid, has hindered the achievement of language-teaching goals. Responder Comentários notwithstanding not considering or being influenced by; despite: HENCEFORTH: DAQUI EM DIANTE; NOTWITHSTANDING IS ABLE TO REPLACE HOWEVER TO PRESENT AN OPPOSITE IDEA: NO ENTANTO, APESAR DE... GAB.: C Nunca vi essa conjunção na minha vida, mas fiz por eliminação. Todas as outras são causa/consequência e ele pedia uma de contraste.