ID 2800090 Banca Marinha Órgão EFOMM Ano 2018 Provas Marinha - 2018 - EFOMM - Oficial da Marinha Mercante - Primeiro Dia Disciplina Inglês Assuntos Análise sintática | Syntax Parsing Vocabulário | Vocabulary Which alternative IS NOT correct? Alternativas Could you talk more quietly? Thank you very much indeed. That is kindest of you. The road is getting more and more sleep. The more money he makes, the more useless things he buys. Can’t you drive any faster? Responder Comentários Qual alternativa NÃO esta correta?A) Could you talk more quietly? (correta)B) Thank you very much indeed. That is kindest of you. (That's kind of you - Isso é gentil da sua parte)C) The road is getting more and more sleep. (correta)D) The more money he makes, the more useless things he buys. (correta)E) Can't you drive any faster? (correta)Gabarito do Professor: B Thank you SO much O erro está em "kindest"Deveria ser: That's kind of you"