
Colégio Pedro II

Text VII

      The term ‘assessment literacy’ has been coined in recent years to denote what teachers need to know about assessment. Traditionally, it was regarded as the ability to select, design and evaluate tests and assessment procedures, as well as to score and grade them on the basis of theoretical knowledge. More recent approaches embrace a broader understanding of the concept when taking account of the implications of assessment for teaching. […] Knowing and understanding the key principles of sound assessment and translating those into quality information about students’ achievements and effective instruction are considered essential.

(BERGER, A. Creating Language ‐ Assessment Literacy: A Model for Teacher Education. In: HÜTTNER, J.; MEHLMAUER‐LARCHER, B.; REICH, S. (eds.)   Theory and Practice in EFL Teaching Education: Bridging the Gap. Multilingual Matters, 2012. pp.57‐82.)

In the sentence “Traditionally, it was regarded as the ability to select, design and evaluate tests and assessment procedures, as well as to score and grade them on the basis of theoretical knowledge” (§ 1), examples of ________________ can be identified. Choose the word that best completes the blank:

  • b-

    'it' is a back reference to a previously stated idea or phrase; namely, ‘assessment literacy'


    Types of Referential Devices:

    Anaphora- occurs when the writer refers back to someone or something that has been previously identified, to avoid repetition.

    Cataphora -is the opposite of anaphora: a reference forward as opposed to backward in the discourse.

    exophora -is reference to something extralinguistic, i.e. not in the same text, and contrasts with endophora. Exophora can be deictic, in which special words or grammatical markings are used to make reference to something in the context of the utterance or speaker.

    Exegesis- is a critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially a religious one. Traditionally the term was used primarily for work with the Bible.