


                                         Robotic Cars

The year is 2020, and it’s 7;45 on a rainy Monday morning, and you are in your car on your way to work. You turn right, and you turn left. A few minutes later, you stop at a traffic light. When the light turns green and there are no other cars in the intersection, you continue on your way. Ten minutes later you get to work and stop reading the morning paper. Then, you get out of your car and you say, “Thank you!". Your car replies, “You’re welcome!’’. This possibie future may sound unreai, but in fact many car companies are aiready testing robotic cars, or driverless cars, on the roads today, although the cars don't speak very much yet.

In the 1980s, Germany and the United States tested the first driverless cars, and by 2020 companies such as Volvo, GM, Nissan and BMW plan to seil driverless cars. Driverless cars are not really ‘driverless - the drivers are computers that use radar, Computer maps and other modern technology. They offer many advantages. Perhaps the most important of these is fewer deaths caused by road accidents. For example, in 1968 more than 53.000 people lost their lives in car accidents in the USA. This number has fallen to less than 33.000 but it’s still a high number. In addition, people will spend iess time stuck in traffic jams and there will be no need for people to have a driving license. One of the major disadvantages of this new technology, however, is the cost. It’s not free. U$5.000 to U$10.000 is added to the price of the new car. Nevertheless, at some time in your life, you will probably be sitting in a robotic, ;driverless car on your way to work or school. The future is almost here. Are you ready for it?

 <https://www.aHthinastoDics.eom/uploads/2/3/2/9/23290220/lesson-drivina-robo ticcars2.pdf>

Read the sentence below.

That is an inteliigent car that works with a Computer.

What’s the plural form of the sentence?

  • Na sentença "That is an inteliigent car that works with a Computer." 
    Veremos o plural de cada palavra: 
    -That -tem como plural:  those
    -Se o pronome demonstrativo estiver no singular, o verbo to be também estará no singular (is), se estiver no plural (those), o verbo to be também irá para o plural (are)
    -Intelligent - adjetivos não vão para o plural
    - Car - cars 
    - that - nesse caso, "that" está com a função de pronome relativo "que". Não possui plural.
    - work - o verbo work no Simple present teria o acréscimo do "s" se "cars"(they) estivesse no singular "car"(it). 
    - with - é a preposição "com", e não tem plural.
    - computer - computers

    Portanto o plural ficaria da seguinte forma: Those are intelligent cars that work with computers. 

    Gabarito do Professor: B
  • Galera, o adjetivo no inglês é invariável. Por exemplo, na frase: blue car(carro azul). Essa frase passada para o plural ficaria: blue cars(Carros azuis). Perceba que o adjetivo "Blue" não mudou.

    "That" significa: isso, essa, aquilo, aquela. Já o seu plural é "Those", que significa: Esses, essas, aqueles, aquelas.

    Portanto, o plural da frase acima é: Those are intelligent cars that( Pronome relativo com significado de "que") work with computers.

  • Por que na palavra "works", passando para o plural retiramos o "s" e ficamos só com o work??