
Prefeitura de Itapevi - SP

      Classes which are arranged in a circle make quite a strong statement about what the teacher and the students believe in. With all the people in the room sitting in a circle, there is a far greater feeling of equality than when the teacher stays out at the front. This may not be quite so true of the horseshoe shape, where the teacher is often located in a commanding position, but, even here, the rigidity that comes with orderly rows, for example, is lessened.

      With the horseshoe and circle seating, the classroom is a more intimate place and the potential for students to share feelings and information through talking, eye contact or expressive body movements (eyebrow-raising, shouldershrugging, etc.) is far greater than when they are sitting in rows.

                                      (Harmer, J. The practice of English language teaching. 2007)

Which picture describes one of the classroom arrangements that the author argues in favor?

  • Horseshoe = "ferradura".

  • sim, mas e em circulos tb, nesse caso a letra b nao estaria correta?

  • sim, mas e em circulos tb, nesse caso a letra b nao estaria correta?

  •  Para a resolução da questão, iremos procurar no texto alguma informação sobre a disposição das carteiras na sala de aula. No segundo parágrafo, lemos que as carteiras estão colocadas em forma de ferradura e circular.

    With the horseshoe and circle seating, the classroom is a more intimate place and the potential for students to share feelings and information through talking, eye contact or expressive body movements (eyebrow-raising, shouldershrugging, etc.) is far greater than when they are sitting in rows.
    Tradução: Com os assentos em forma de ferradura e circular, a sala de aula é um lugar mais íntimo e o potencial para os alunos compartilharem sentimentos e informações por meio de conversas, contato visual ou movimentos corporais expressivos (levantar as sobrancelhas, levantar os ombros, etc.) é muito maior do que quando eles estão sentado em filas.
    A figura que descreve um formato de ferradura é a letra A

    Gabarito do Professor: A