- ID
- 3128614
- Banca
- Órgão
- Prefeitura de Itapevi - SP
- Ano
- 2019
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Pedagogia
There is a danger in paying too much attention to learners’ errors. While errors indeed reveal a system at work, the classroom language teacher can become so preoccupied ________ noticing errors that the correct utterances in the second language go unnoticed. In our observation and analysis of errors – for all that they do reveal about the learner – we must beware of placing too much attention on errors and not lose sight of the value of positive reinforcement of clearly expressed language that is a product of the learner’s progress of development. While the diminishing of errors is an important criterion ______ increasing language proficiency, the ultimate goal of second language learning is the attainment of communicative fluency.
Another inadequacy in error analysis is an overemphasis on production data. Language is speaking and listening, writing and reading. The comprehension of language is as important as production. It so happens that production lends itself to analysis and thus becomes the prey of researchers, __________ comprehension data is equally important in developing an understanding of the process of SLA.
(Brown, D. H. Principles of language learning and teaching. 2000. Adapted)
In the first paragraph, the author argues in favor of the error treatment that is used in which of these language teaching-learning methods/approaches?