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Brain Development: Can Teaching Make a


It has long been known that different regions of the brain have specialized functions. For example, the frontal lobes are involved in abstract reasoning and planning, while the posterior lobes are involved in vision. Until recently, it was believed that these specialized regions developed from a genetic blueprint that determined the structure and function of specific areas of the brain. That is, particular areas of the brain were designed for processing certain kinds of information from birth.

New evidence suggests that the brain is much more malleable than previously thought. Recent findings indicate that the specialized functions of specific regions of the brain are not fixed at birth but are shaped by experience and learning. To use a computer analogy, we now think that the young brain is like a computer with incredibly sophisticated hardwiring, but no software. The software of the brain, like the software of desktop computers, harnesses the exceptional processing capacity of the brain in the service of specialized functions, like vision, smell, and language. All individuals have to acquire or develop their own software in order to harness the processing power of the brain with which they are born.

A number of studies support this view. However, all were carried out on animals, because it is not possible to do such research with humans. Caution is called for when extrapolating these findings to humans.

These findings may have implications for language educators: for one thing, that teaching and teachers can make a difference in brain development, and that they shouldn’t give up on older language learners.

Source: http://carla.umn.edu/immersion/acie/vol5/Nov2001_

BrainResearch.html (Edited.)

Read this sentence from the text and analyze its structure:

However, all were carried out on animals, because it is not possible to do such research with humans.

Now, consider the following statements about the use of the word “because” in English language and choose the correct alternative.

I) “Because” can be used as a subordinating conjunction which introduces clauses of cause.

II) “Because” is a conjunction that can be used when giving the reason for something.

III) “Because” can always be replaced without change of meaning by “in the event that”.

  • V I) “Because” can be used as a subordinating conjunction which introduces clauses of cause.

    V II) “Because” is a conjunction that can be used when giving the reason for something.

    III) Errado , pois o ALWAYS não é correto, visto que because só pode ser substituido as vezes.

  • Comentários:

    I – Errada. O A3 funciona de maneira diferente de um scanner de vírus normal em computadores pessoais de consumo. Enquanto um scanner de vírus normal compara um catálogo de vírus conhecidos com algo que infectou o computador, o A3 pode detectar automaticamente vírus novos, desconhecidos ou malware, percebendo que está ocorrendo algo que não está correto na operação do computador.

            Unlike a normal virus scanner on consumer PCs that compares a catalog of known viruses to something that has infected the computer, A3 can detect new, unknown viruses or malware automatically by sensing that something is occurring in the computer's operation that is not correct. It then can stop the virus, approximate a repair for the damaged software code, and then learn to never let that bug enter the machine again.

            Ao contrário de um scanner de vírus normal em computadores pessoais de consumo que compara um catálogo de vírus conhecidos com algo que infectou o computador, o A3 pode detectar vírus novos, desconhecidos ou malware automaticamente, percebendo que está ocorrendo algo que não está correto na operação do computador. Então, ele pode parar o vírus, aproximar um reparo para o código de software danificado e, em seguida, aprender a nunca deixar aquele erro entrar na máquina novamente.

    II – Errada. De acordo com o texto, o software A3 ainda não encontrou o seu caminho em produtos de consumo. O texto não menciona sobre a computação em nuvem.

           "A3 technologies could find their way into consumer products someday, which would help consumer devices protect themselves against fast-spreading malware or internal corruption of software components. But we haven't tried those experiments yet," he says.

           "As tecnologias A3 poderiam encontrar o seu caminho em produtos de consumo algum dia, o que ajudaria os dispositivos de consumo a se protegerem contra malware de propagação rápida ou corrupção interna de componentes de software. Mas, nós ainda não testamos aquelas experiências", diz ele.

    III – Errada. Segundo o texto, o software é projetado para proteger servidores de classe empresarial que são executados no sistema operacional Linux, bem como aplicações militares.

    A3 is designed to protect servers or similar business-grade computers that run on the Linux operating system. It also has been demonstrated to protect military applications.

    O A3 é projetado para proteger servidores ou computadores semelhantes de classe empresarial que são executados no sistema operacional Linux. Ele também demonstrou que protege aplicações militares.

    IV – Errada. O texto afirma que o A3 não somente para o vírus e repara o código de software danificado, mas também detecta e erradica vírus nunca antes vistos e outros malwares, além de reparar automaticamente danos causados por eles. O software também evita que o invasor infecte o computador outra vez.

            University of Utah computer scientists have developed software that not only detects and eradicates never-before-seen viruses and other malware, but also automatically repairs damage caused by them. The software then prevents the invader from ever infecting the computer again.

             Cientistas da computação da Universidade de Utah desenvolveram um software que não somente detecta e erradica vírus nunca antes vistos e outros malwares, mas também repara automaticamente danos causados por eles. O software então previne que o invasor nunca mais infecte o computador novamente.