Data manipulation language (DML) statements add, change, and delete Oracle Database table data. A transaction is a sequence of one or more SQL statements that Oracle Database treats as a unit: either all of the statements are performed, or none of them are.
Data Manipulation Language, ou Linguagem de Manipulação de Dados. interage diretamente com os dados dentro das tabelas.
São comandos do DML o INSERT, UPDATE e DELETE.
Os comandos DML são S.I.D.U.: select, insert, delete, update.
A - ERRADO. Create (DDL), insert (DML), Select (DQL)
B - GABARITO. Delete (DML), Update (DML) Insert (DML)
C - ERRADO. Alter (DDL), Delete (DML), Select (DQL)
D - ERRADO. Grant (DCL), Alter (DDL), Delete (DML)
E - ERRADO. Insert (DML), Alter (DDL), Select (DQL)