ID 4184995 Banca INSTITUTO AOCP Órgão IF-BA Ano 2016 Provas INSTITUTO AOCP - 2016 - IF-BA - Professor de Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês Disciplina Inglês Assuntos Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa Taking into account the presuppositions of English Teaching as a Foreign Language and the Discourse Genre approach, mark the alternative which is correct. Alternativas The foreign language teaching of the English language must limit itself to the formal reproduction of grammar rules and text decoding. The discourse genre approach does not consider the contextual environment of a given text for the purposes of English foreign language teaching. One of the tools for the English teacher is the Didactic Sequence which is an array of school activities systematically organized around a given oral or written discursive genre. The Didactic Sequence aims only at presenting the linguistic units which compose the given discursive genre studied. The Didactic sequence will present a systematic methodology for the genre, it will not propose activities to be solved, though. Responder Comentários c-Genre designates large-scale repeated patterns of meaning in human interaction exchanges. Approaches to genre may be split into the formalist-thematic, catering to categories and classes based on speech or text artifacts and lending their premises from cognitive theories; and the pragmatic, a function of pattern usage owing primarily to social theories of form, action, and communal interaction. This overview comprises the borders of the natural language domain, ranging from literature, rhetoric and several fields in regards to linguistics.