ID 4899040 Banca CCV-UFC Órgão UFC Ano 2017 Provas CCV-UFC - 2017 - UFC - Tradutor Intérprete - Língua Inglesa Disciplina Inglês Assuntos Verbos | Verbs Quais formas verbais completam melhor o excerto a seguir? “People often do not so much I - _____ as they II -______ their turn to III - ______. Someone probably IV - ______ that once, or if they didn’t, they V - _____.” Alternativas I - listen; II - wait; III - speak; IV - said; V - should have I - listen; II - wait; III - speaking; IV- has said; V - would have I - will listen; II - will wait; III - speak; IV - said; V - should have I - would listen; II - won’t wait; III - speak; IV - said; V - would have I - would listen; II - waiting; III - speaking; IV - has said; V- should have Responder