Letra A
Padrões de Rede
802.3 – Ethernet (LAN)
802.5 – Token Ring (LAN)
802.11 – Wi Fi (WLAN)
802.15 – Bluetooth (WPAN)
802.16 – WiMax (WMAN)
802.20 – Mobile-Fi (WWAM)
Ethernet é um conjunto de tecnologias e padrões que permite que dois ou mais computadores se comuniquem utilizando meios cabeados em uma rede local (Lan)
Fonte: Apostila 00 Estrategia concursos, pág 57
IEEE 802.3 is a working group and a collection of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards produced by the working group defining the physical layer and data link layer's media access control (MAC) of wired Ethernet. This is generally a local area network (LAN) technology with some wide area network (WAN) applications. Physical connections are made between nodes and/or infrastructure devices (hubs, switches, routers) by various types of copper or fiber cable.