

Computer says no: Irish vet fails oral English test needed to stay in Australia

     Louise Kennedy is an Irish veterinarian with degrees in history and politics – both obtained in English. She is married to an Australian and has been working in Australia as an equine vet on a skilled worker visa for the past two years. As a native English speaker, she has excellent grammar and a broad vocabulary, but has been unable to convince a machine she can speak English well enough to stay in Australia.

    But she is now scrambling for other visa options after a computer-based English test – scored by a machine – essentially handed her a fail in terms of convincing immigration officers she can fluently speak her own language.

    Earlier this year, Kennedy decided she would seek permanent residency in Australia. She knew she would have to sit a mandatory English proficiency test but was shocked when she got the results. While she passed all other components of the test including writing and reading, (...). She got 74 when the government requires 79. “There’s obviously a flaw in their computer software, when a person with perfect oral fluency cannot get enough points,” she said. The test providers have categorically denied there is anything wrong with its computer-based test or the scoring engine trained to analyse candidates’ responses. “We do not offer a pass or a fail, simply a score and the immigration department set the bar very high for people seeking permanent residency”, they say.

    Kennedy, who is due to have a baby in October, says she will now have to pursue a bridging visa, while she seeks a more expensive spouse visa so she can remain with her Australian husband.

Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2017/aug/08/computer-says-no-irish-vet-fails-oral-english-test-needed-to-stay-in-australia

Which one from the underlined verbs in the text conveys a different verb tense?

  • A questão solicita a marcação da forma verbal que se distingue das outras quanto ao seu tempo

    a) Has - utilizado para He/She/It utilizado para o present perfect ou como auxiliar de um verbo no past participlie. No caso, ao analisarmos a parte sublinhada:

    She has excellente grammar... - Indica o presente, ou seja, ela possui um ótimo conhecimento da gramática (uma das formas de tradução)

    Percebemos que todas as outras opções indicam o tempo passado.

    Gab: A) Has

  • Qual dos verbos sublinhados no texto transmite um tempo verbal diferente?

    HANDDECIDED são verbos regulares e o passado são respectivamente HANDED e DECIDED.
    KNEW é o passado de KNOW, e GOT é o passado de GET.

    Os verbos estão no Simple Past (passado simple), com exceção do " has".
    é a forma do verbo HAVE na terceira pessoa. (He, she, it)

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra A.

  • a) has

    Correta, ele perde um verbo que esteja diferente do passado e o Has aqui no caso seria Present

    b) handed

    Errada, a presença do ED já indica que o verbo tá no passado então poderia eliminar de cara

    c) decided

    Errada, a presença do ED já indica que o verbo tá no passado então poderia eliminar de cara

    d) knew

    Errada, aqui seria o passado do verbo Know

    e) got

    Errada, aqui seria passado do verbo get

  • Qual dos verbos sublinhados no texto indica um tempo verbal diferente?

    [A] tem [Verbo TER no Present Simple conjugado na 3a Pessoa do Singular.]

    [...] she has excellent grammar and a broad vocabulary [...] [line 3]

    [...] ela tem uma gramática excelente e um vocabulário amplo [...] [3a linha]

    [B] entregou, rendeu [Simple Past]

    But she is now scrambling for other visa options after a computer-based English test – scored by a machine – essentially handed her a fail in terms of convincing immigration officers she can fluently speak her own language. [Paragraph 2]

    Mas ela agora está lutando por outras opções de visto depois que um teste de inglês baseado em computador - marcado por uma máquina - essencialmente lhe rendeu uma falha em termos de convencer os oficiais de imigração de que ela pode falar fluentemente sua própria língua. [2o Parágrafo]

    [C] decidiu [Simple Past]

    Earlier this year, Kennedy decided she would seek permanent residency in Australia. [Paragraph 3, line 1]

    No início deste ano, Kennedy decidiu que buscaria residência permanente na Austrália. [3o Parágrafo, 1a linha]

    [D] sabia [Simple Past]

    She knew she would have to sit a mandatory English proficiency test [...] [Paragraph 3, lines 1and 2]

    Ela sabia que teria que fazer um teste obrigatório de proficiência em Inglês [...] [3o Parágrafo, linhas 1 e 2]

    [E] conseguiu, obteve [Simple Past]

    [...] but was shocked when she got the results. [...] [Paragraph 3, line 2]

    [...] mas ficou chocada quando obteve os resultados. [...] [3o Parágrafo, 2a linha]
