
Prefeitura de São João Batista - SC

Thanksgiving Day: An American Tradition.

Thanksgiving is an American holiday that points back to the days of the pioneers and the colonization of the new country called the United States of America. History:
In the 1700s when the pioneers first arrived to the New World they were overwhelmed by disease, lack of food and shelter, and conflict with Native Americans. However, after a period of time they grew accustomed to these challenges and even managed to create a friendly relationship with the natives. There came a point where certain Native American groups helped the new Americans plant crops, raise animals, and build shelter.
The first Thanksgiving was a day during harvest time when the pioneers and the Native Americans joined together to enjoy a feast of the grains, vegetables, and meats that they had raised. It was a time of celebration for their survival up until that point as well as a bright future that lay ahead of them.

Disponível em: https://www.inglesnapontadalingua.com.br/2013/11/tha nksgiving.html Acesso em 05 jan. 2021. 

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta, corretamente, o uso de um conectivo de adição (addition connectives).

  • O conectivo (link word) que denota adição é "as well as" ( assim como, tão bem como) 
    Running is healthy as well as making you feel good. Correr é saudável e também faz você se sentir bem.
    He broke the window, as well as destroying the wall. Ele quebrou a janela, além de destruir a parede.
    B) It was a time of celebration for their survival up until that point as well as a bright future that lay ahead of them. Foi um momento de celebração pela sua sobrevivência até aquele ponto, assim como(além de)  o futuro brilhante que os esperava.
    Gabarito do Professor: Letra B.