ID 5084446 Banca FACET Concursos Órgão Prefeitura de Capim - PB Ano 2020 Provas FACET Concursos - 2020 - Prefeitura de Capim - PB - Professor A - Inglês Disciplina Inglês Assuntos Números | Numbers Choose the option that shows an example of ordinal numbers: Alternativas “The “Edinburgh declaration”, published on Monday, urges leaders to work more closely with sub-national governments, indigenous peoples, national parks, local councils and wider society in meeting 20 biodiversity goals” “signed in Nagoya, Japan, 10 years ago.” “Thompson said Scotland was set to meet nine of the Aichi goals.” “The convention on biological diversity was first opened for signature at the Earth summit in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, in 1992.” None of them show an ordinal number. Responder Comentários LETRA - D “The convention on biological diversity was first opened for signature at the Earth summit in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, in 1992.” “A convenção sobre diversidade biológica foi aberta pela primeira vez para assinatura na Cúpula da Terra no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, em 1992.” d-An ordinal number is one generalisation of the concept of a natural number for describing an arrangement of ordered elements, one after another. Given that any finite set of objects can be sorted in order by counting, the fundamental premise of ordinal numbers is to facilitate this process by assigning "labels" for each item that constitutes the totality of the elements in consideration.