- ID
- 5167240
- Banca
- Órgão
- Prefeitura de Iporã do Oeste - SC
- Ano
- 2018
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Inglês
- Assuntos
Read the following text.
The Direct Method
Teaching of receptive skills (listening and reading) rather than teaching of productive skills
(speaking and writing) was encouraged as the first step.
I - Contrastive analysis of the native language of the learner with the mother language was done;
II - Teachers are required to have a good knowledge of phonetics of the language they teach, but
they would use it to teach pronunciation and not phonetics;
III - As this method uses conversation as the main tool in the teaching of a foreign language, the
other tools are discussion and reading in the target language itself. Grammar is taught inductively.
Identify the correct option according to the context.