17.1.4 Interaction Diagram Variants
Interaction diagrams come in different variants. A separate sub clause defines notation for each of the following
Interaction Diagram variants:
17.8 Sequence Diagrams - The most common variant is the Sequence Diagram that focuses on the Message interchange between a number of Lifelines.
17.9 Communication Diagrams - Communication Diagrams show interactions through an architectural view where the arcs between the communicating Lifelines are decorated with description of the passed Messages and their sequencing.
17.10 Interaction Overview Diagrams - Interaction Overview Diagrams define interactions in a way that promotes overview of the control flow. Overview diagrams have notational elements that are similar to certain elements used in Activity diagrams (flow lines, forks, joins, etc.); however, although the notation and the general purpose of these elements is the same in both cases, their detailed semantics are quite different and modelers should not interpret Overview diagrams as if they were Activity diagrams.
17.11 Timing Diagrams - Timing Diagrams are used to show interactions when a primary purpose of the diagram is to reason about time. Conformant UML 2.5 tools are not required to implement Timing Diagrams.
Fonte: OMG Unified Modeling Language TM (OMG UML) - Version 2.5