- ID
- 5647462
- Banca
- Órgão
- Prefeitura de Timóteo - MG
- Ano
- 2022
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Inglês
- Assuntos
Analise as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas.
I - In 1780 John Adams, as part of his proposal to
Congress for an American Academy, was in no doubt:
"English is destined to be in the next and succeeding
centuries more generally the language of the world
than Latin was in the last or French is in the present
age. The reason of this is obvious,
II - the increasing population in America, and their
universal connection and correspondence with all
nations will, aided by the influence of England in the
world, whether great or small, force their language
into general use, in spite of all the obstacles that may
be thrown in their way, if any such there should be".
He proved to be an accurate prophet.
Sobre as asserções, é correto afirmar que