

Facebook Announces Its Third Pillar “Graph Search” That Gives You Answers, Not Links Like Google

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

       Today at Facebook’s press event, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, announced its latest product, called Graph Search.
       Zuckerberg made it very clear that this is not web search, but completely different.
       He explained the difference between web search and Graph Search. “Web search is designed to take any open-ended query and give you links that might have answers.” Linking things together based on things that you’re interested in is a “very hard technical problem,” according to Zuckerberg.
       Graph Search is designed to take a precise query and give you an answer, rather than links that might provide the answer.” For example, you could ask Graph Search “Who are my friends that live in San Francisco?”
       Zuckerberg says that Graph Search is in “very early beta.” People, photos, places and interests are the focus for the first iteration of the product.
       Facebook Graph Search is completely personalized. Tom Stocky of the search team explains he gets unique results for a search of “friends who like Star Wars and Harry Potter.” Then, “If anyone else does this search they get a completely different set of results.  ...C... someone had the same set of friends as me, the results would be different [because we have different relationships with our friends].”
       You can also use Graph Search for recruiting. Stocky says if he was looking for people to join the team at Facebook, he could search for NASA Ames employees who are friends with people at Facebook. “If I wanted to reach out and recruit them, I could see who their friends are at Facebook. To refine them I can look for people who wrote they are “founders.”
       Photos is another big part of Graph Search. Results are sorted by engagement so you see the ones with the most likes and comments at the top. For example, Lars Rasmussen, Facebook engineer, searched for “photos of my friends taken at National Parks.” He got a gorgeous page of photos from Yosemite, Machu Pichu, and other parks.

(Adapted from http://techcrunch.com/2013/01/15/facebook-announce...)

A alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna  ...C...   é

  • c) Even if.

    Even if someone had the same set of friends as me, the results would be different ( because people have different kinds of relationship with theuir friends).

    The clause is a subordinate clause expressing contrast. So it would be fitting if it took a contrasting conjunction phrase, such as even if.

    A oração é subordinada, com verbo no modo subjuntivo. Destarte, exige uma locucao conjuntiva que expresse contraste: even if -mesmo que.
  •  a) Instead of. - ao invés de 

     b) Such as. - tal como

     c) Even if. - mesmo se

     d) By contrast. - por contraste 

     e) According to. - de acordo com

  • (A) Instead of.

    Em vez de.

    (B) Such as.

    Tal como.

    (C) Even if.

    Mesmo se.

    (D) By contrast.

    Pelo contrário.

    (E) According to.



    Letra A – Errada. Instead of (em vez de) indica exclusão, portanto, não cabe no contexto.

    Letra B – Errada. Such as (tal como) é conjunção subordinativa comparativa.

    Letra C – Certa. Observe que a lacuna deve ser preenchida com um conectivo que indique uma concessão,

    ou seja, que expresse uma ideia contrária à outra oração, mas sem impedir a sua realização. Even if

    (mesmo se) é uma conjunção subordinativa concessiva e se adequa perfeitamente ao contexto da frase.

    Facebook Graph Search is completely personalized. Tom Stocky of the search team explains he gets

    unique results for a search of “friends who like Star Wars and Harry Potter.” Then, “If anyone else does this

    search they get a completely different set of results. .....C.....someone had the same set of friends as me, the

    results would be different [because we have different relationships with our friends].”

    A Pesquisa por Gráfico do Facebook é totalmente personalizada. Tom Stocky da equipe de pesquisa

    explica que ele obtém resultados únicos em uma busca de "amigos que gostam de Star Wars e Harry

    Potter." Então, "Se mais alguém fizer esta pesquisa, eles recebem um conjunto completamente diferente de resultados. .....C.....alguém tivesse o mesmo grupo de amigos que eu, os resultados seriam diferentes

    [porque temos diferentes relacionamentos com nossos amigos] ".

    Letra D – Errada. O advérbio by contrast (pelo contrário) indica uma oposição e não corresponde ao

    contexto da frase.

    Letra E – Errada. According to (conforme) é conectivo que expressa conformidade.

    Gabarito: C