Facelets is a powerful but lightweight page declaration language that is used to build JavaServer Faces views using HTML style templates and to build component trees. Facelets features include the following:
- Use of XHTML for creating web pages
- Support for Facelets tag libraries in addition to JavaServer Faces and JSTL tag libraries
- Support for the Expression Language (EL)
- Templating for components and pages
Advantages of Facelets for large-scale development projects include the following:
- Support for code reuse through templating and composite components
- Functional extensibility of components and other server-side objects through customization
- Faster compilation time
- Compile-time EL validation
- High-performance rendering
Facelets views are usually created as XHTML pages. JavaServer Faces implementations support XHTML pages created in conformance with the XHTML Transitional Document Type Definition (DTD)