

Assinale a opção correta acerca de servidor de aplicação Jboss 7.

  • A letra E está errada só por causa de Standalone Server e Manager Domain ao invés de Standalone Mode e Domain Mode?

  • Alternativa D) é a correta:

    "Command history

    Command (and operation request) history is enabled by default. The history is kept both: in-memory and in a file on the disk, i.e. it is preserved between the command line sessions. The history file name is .jboss-cli-history and is automatically created in the user's home directory. When the command line interface is launched this file is read and the in-memory history is initialized with its content.

    While in the command line session, you can use the arrow keys to go back and forth in the history of commands and operations. To manipulate the history you can use history command.

    If executed w/o the argument, it will print all the recorded commands and operations (up to the configured maximum, which is by default 500) from the in-memory history.

    history supports three optional arguments:

    disable - will disable history expansion (but will not clear the previously recorded history);
    enabled - will re-enable history expansion (starting from the last recorded command before the history expansion was disabled);
    clear - will clear the in-memory history (but not the file one)

    fonte : https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/CommandLineInterface.

  • Rodrigo, acredito que não.

    O fator principal é o gerenciamento centralizado e não em relação a sua capacidade de armazenamento

  • Alguém comenta o item A?

  • a) [ ERRADO ]

    "All JBoss AS [ Application Server ] management resources are organized in a tree. The path to the node in the tree for a particular resource is its address." - https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Management+resources

    Está errado dizer que "A hierarquia dos recursos de gerenciamento do Jboss pode ser representada de diversas formas" como afirma a questão, a representação de recursos de gerenciamento é somente através de uma árvore.


    b) [ ERRADO ] The domain.xml, host.xml and standalone.xml configuration files all include a section where interfaces can be declared.

    c) [ ERRADO ] Não é só via comando de linha:
    The JBoss 7 management console is served through the default HTTP management endoint.
    Typically that's http://localhost:9990/console

    d) [ GABARITO ] Comentado pelo Sergio Raulino

    e) [ ERRADO ] Comentado pelo Gustavo N

  • E uma árvore não pode ser um grafo também?