Publicação "Rational Unified Process
Best Practices for Software
Development Teams" da IBM contém:
"Each phase in the Rational Unified Process can be further broken down into iterations. An iteration is a complete
development loop resulting in a release (internal or external) of an executable product, a subset of the final product
under development, which grows incrementally from iteration to iteration to become the final system [10]."
[10] referencia o artigo "A Rational Development Process, Philippe Kruchten" que contém:
"An iteration consists of the activities of planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing,
in various proportions depending on where the iteration is located in the development
The management perspective and the technical perspective are reconciled, and in
particular the end of the phases are synchronized with the end of iterations. In other
words, each phase is broken down into one or more iterations."
Ou seja, todas fases podem ter uma ou mais iterações, e não existe fonte na internet provando o contrário.