
TRT - 8ª Região (PA e AP)
Banco de Dados

Com relação ao desempenho e à otimização de consultas SQL no Oracle, assinale a opção correta.

  • a. A cláusula Exists irá retornar assim que tiver a condição atendida, a cláusula IN vai avaliar todos os registros em busca dos parâmetro definidos, logo a cláusula Exists tende a ser mais performática.

    b. Bitmap indexes have traditionally been considered to work well for low-cardinality columns, which have a modest number of distinct values, either absolutely, or relative to the number of records that contain the data. The extreme case of low cardinality is Boolean data (e.g., does a resident in a city have internet access?), which has two values, True and False. Bitmap indexes use bit arrays (commonly called bitmaps) and answer queries by performing bitwise logical operations on these bitmaps. Bitmap indexes have a significant space and performance advantage over other structures for query of such data. Their drawback is they are less efficient than the traditional B-tree indexes for columns whose data is frequently updated: consequently, they are more often employed in read-only systems that are specialized for fast query - e.g., data warehouses, and generally unsuitable for online transaction processing applications. -> por serem mais indicados para dados booleanos, não são indicados para tipos de dados BLOB.c. Clustering, in the context of databases, refers to the ability of several servers or instances to connect to a single database. An instance is the collection of memory and processes that interacts with a database, which is the set of physical files that actually store data. -> a recomendação não tem relação com o conceito de clustering.d. Acredito que não faça diferença.e. The SQL Trace facility and TKPROF are two basic performance diagnostic tools that can help you monitor and tune applications running against the Oracle Server.-> VERDADEIRO