

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Teaching English as a foreign language teacher: job description

Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) involves teaching adults and children whose first or main language is not English. This can be done in the UK or abroad and the students may be learning English for either business or leisure reasons.

Teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) is also a widely used term and often means the same thing as TEFL. It’s sometimes specifically used to refer to teaching English to people who are living in the UK but who do not speak English as a first language. These students are most commonly refugees and immigrants and need to learn the language in order to help them settle into the UK society.Their courses are often government funded.

Teaching English as a second language (TESL) or teaching English as an additional language (TEAL) may also be terms that are used but they generally all refer to the same thing - teaching English to someone whose native language is not English.

Teachers of English as a foreign language can work in a variety of settingswith different age ranges. This can include commercial language schools, schools and institutions of further and higher education throughout the UK and overseas. Some may also teach in industry, while others are self-employed. Classes are usually taught in English, evenwith beginners. Teaching English as a foreign language teacher: job description

Adapted from: < www.prospects.ac.uk/case-studies-working- abroad>

Read these sentences:

1. You ___________ smoke in the classroom. It’s forbidden.

2. You ___________ study hard for the final tests.

3. You smoke too much. You ___________ to quit smoking.

Choose the correct modal verbs that complete these sentences, respectively

  • Por que não A?

  • O erro que vejo na letra A)  é a utilização do verbo "can" na primeira sentença.

    O verbo "can" tem como tradução em português a palavra "poder". Deve ser entendido os diferentes significados da palavra "poder".

    ex 1 - Você não pode roubar, pois ilegal. (no sentido de que você tem o direito de ter a atitude)

    ex 2 - Eu posso plantar bananeira. (no sentido que tenho a habilidade de fazer.)

    Portanto utiliza o "can" no sentido de de habilidade, como no exemplo 2.

  • can - habilidade de poder. ex .: you can run

    must - no sentido de proibição,dever.

    should - poder no sentido de sugestão.

  • O erro da letra A não é o ''can'' como dito. O erro está na terceira frase: ''. You ___________ to quit smoking. ''

    should não requer o '' to '' destacado, então devemos usar a estrutura ought to


    In other ways, you can't  say, for example, I should to stay or I should to go. You must say: I should stay or I should go. However, if you choose the ''ought to'' you should pay attention to the correct structure. 

    By the way, any reference to a famous song is not a coincidence.


  • a D não esta certa tbm? alguem sabe informar?


  • Irmão, a D está incorreta porque o verbo "need" necessita de preposição "to", que não está na 2., e o verbo "should" não rege preposição, que aparece na 3. ("to").


    Mas quanto aos sentidos que expressam, estariam corretos nas frases!


    Bons estudos, abraço!

  • A alternativa A está errada por que MUST, utilizado na negativa, tem sentido de PROIBIÇÃO.

    Se a primeira frase fosse: 

    1. You ___________ smoke in the classroom.

    Tanto "can't" como "mustn't" serviriam. Mas a questão colocou um "It’s forbidden." (está proibido) no final, ficou reforçado que a utilização de "can't", neste caso, seria pouco (fraco, não suficiente) para expressar o quanto realmente não se queria que fumasse na sala de aula.