

Leia o texto a seguir para responder a  questão.
                                   Fundamental competencies for
                                 Special Collections Professionals

          Today's special collections environments are increasingly  diverse. They vary significantly with regard to institutional  setting, nature of collections, scope of functions and services,  and audience. A special collections professional may  experience much of this variety over the course of his/her  career, taking on different public and technical service duties, curatorial functions, and management responsibilities. Even those who remain focused on a single functional specialty  within one institution will best contribute to that institution's  vitality and success by developing broad awareness of the full
array of responsibilities that define the field as a whole. We  assume a professional who gradually achieves such general  proficiency over the course of his/her career; full mastery in all  areas, however, is by no means expected.

                                                              (http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/comp4specollect. Adaptado)

De acordo com o trecho, as chamadas Coleções Especiais em bibliotecas

  • Gabarito: D.


    '[..] special collections environments are increasingly  diverse. They vary significantly with regard to institutional  setting, nature of collections, scope of functions and services, and audience."


  • Observe que a primeira frase do texto já comenta que as coleções especiais de hoje em dia são cada vez mais diversas (diverse). Na sequência, menciona que elas variam de modo significativo (vary significantly) e que o profissional da área poderá usufruir desta variedade ao longo de sua carreira (a special collections professional may experience much of this variety over the course of his/her career). Dessa forma, as chamadas Coleções Especiais em bibliotecas são muito diferentes umas das outras e variam sob diversos aspectos.

            Today’s special collections environments are increasingly diverse. They vary significantly with regard to institutional setting, nature of collections, scope of functions and services, and audience. A special collections professional may experience much of this variety over the course of his/her career, taking on different public and technical service duties, curatorial functions, and management responsibilities.

             Os ambientes de coleções especiais atuais são cada vez mais diversos. Eles variam significativamente com relação ao ambiente institucional, natureza das coleções, escopo de funções e serviços e o público. Um profissional de coleção especial pode experimentar muito desta variedade ao longo do curso de sua carreira, assumindo diferentes funções de serviço público e técnico, funções de curadoria e responsabilidades de gerenciamento.

    Gabarito: D