
Sistemas Operacionais

O compartilhamento existente nos controladores de domínio Windows Server 2008 que armazena objetos de políticas de grupo e outros arquivos replicados no domínio é o

  • The System Volume (Sysvol) is a shared directory that stores the server copy of the domain's public files that must be shared for common access and replication throughout a domain. The Sysvol folder on a domain controller contains the following items:

    Net Logon shares. These typically host logon scripts and policy objects for network client computers.

    User logon scripts for domains where the administrator uses Active Directory Users and Computers.

    Windows Group Policy.

    File replication service (FRS) staging folder and files that must be available and synchronized between domain controllers.

    File system junctions.

    File system junctions are used extensively in the Sysvol structure and are a feature of NTFS file system 3.0. You must be aware of the existence of junction points and how they operate so that you can avoid data loss or corruption that may occur if you modify the Sysvol structure.


    Fonte: https://support.microsoft.com/pt-br/help/324175/best-practices-for-sysvol-maintenance

  • Gabarito D

    O Compartilhamento Sysvol (System Volume) é usado no Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 e Windows Server 2008 para compartilhar informações com outros Dc`s. As informações replicadas são Group Policy Objects, startup and shutdown scripts e logon and logoff scripts.

    O serviço responsável por gerenciar estes atributos é o FRS (File Replication Service), ele gerecia a replicação do Sysvol, porém caso tenhamos um upgrade de Domain Function Level para Windows Server 2008, o serviço de replicação para os Dc`s passa a ser o DFRS (Distributed File System Replication), válido apenas para Dc`s com Windows Server 2008.

    Para visualizar a estrutura do Sysvol abra o prompt de comando e digite Start Sysvol.





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