

            Operation Desert Storm Was Not Won By Smart Weaponry Alone

      Technology has long been a deciding factor on the battlefield, from powerful artillery to new weaponry to innovations in the seas and the skies. Twenty-five years ago, it was no different, as the United States and its allies proved overwhelmingly successful in the Persian Gulf War. A coalition of U.S. Army Apache attack helicopters, cruise missiles from naval vessels, and Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk “stealth fighters” soundly broke through Saddam Hussein’s army defenses in Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm, which became known as the “100-hour war”.

      But for all the possibilities that this “Computer War” offered, Operation Desert Storm was not won by smart weaponry, alone. Despite the “science fiction”-like technology deployed, 90 percent of the pieces of ammunition used in Desert Storm were actually “dumb weapons”. The bombs, which weren’t guided by lasers or satellites, were lucky to get within half a kilometer of their targets after they were dumped from planes. While dumb bombs might not have been exciting enough to make the headlines during the attack, they were cheaper to produce and could be counted on to work. But frequency of use doesn’t change why history will remember Desert Storm for its smart weapons, rather than its dumb ones.

Adapted from http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/ operation-desert-storm-was-not-won-smart-weaponry-alone- 180957879/

Choose the alternative that has the sentenceOperation Desert Storm was not won by smart weaponry(paragraph 2) correctly changed into active voice.



    Gab - b


    Smart weaponry didn’t win operation desert storm.


    armamento inteligente não ganhou Operação Tempestade no Deserto

    Operation Desert Storm was not won by smart weaponry

    Operação Tempestade no Deserto não foi ganho por armamento inteligente

  • Escolha a alternativa que tem a frase " A Operação Tempestade no Deserto não foi conseguida ( ganha) pelo armamento inteligente" (parágrafo 2) corretamente transformada em voz ativa.

    A sentença está na "passive voice". A voz passiva  enfatiza o objeto, ou seja, aquele que sofre a ação expressa pelo verbo (was not won), Operation  Desert Storm was not won .... Ex: That letter was written by the man. (Aquela carta foi escrita pelo homem.).

    Na voz ativa, o verbo teria que estar no passado simples, porque na voz passiva foi acrescentado o passado do verbo “to be" ( was) mais o particípio do verbo ( won) . Além disso, houve também o acréscimo de by logo após a locução verbal. Fica da seguinte forma: "Smart weaponry didn't win operation desert storm. O armamento inteligente não ganhou a Operação Tempestade no Deserto.

    Gabarito: Alternativa B.

  • Olá, pessoal!!
    Eu tenho um canal no Youtube que eu dou algumas dicas de Inglês e respondo algumas questões de provas !!!
    ​Esse vídeo aqui é sobre Voz Passiva !!!


  • [B] Smart weaponry didn’t win operation desert storm. = O armamento inteligente não venceu a operação tempestade do deserto.

    Voz Passiva:

    “Operation Desert Storm was not won by smart weaponry”

    “Operação Tempestade no Deserto não foi vencida por armamento inteligente”.

    Voz Ativa:

    Smart weaponry didn’t win operation desert storm.

    O armamento inteligente não venceu a operação tempestade do deserto.

    A frase do texto está no tempo verbal Passado Simples. A frase da opção também está no Passado Simples (didn’t win = não venceu). Ao passar uma frase da Voz Passiva para a Ativa, o tempo verbal deve permanecer o mesmo e o sujeito da Passiva vira objeto da Ativa.