

Read the text below entitled “Brazil's big challenge ahead of Rio 2016” so as to answer question:

Brazil´s big challenge ahead of Rio 2016

Source: www.guardian.com.uk (Adapted)

Aug 26th, 2012

    Many Brazilians watched the closing ceremony of the London Olympics with trepidation. “Do you think we will be able to manage anything more than a couple of carnival fl oats, some football and traffi c jams?” mused one of my friends.

    It is a few years since I have heard such expressions of national self-doubt. When I fi rst arrived in Brazil, almost 10 years ago, the country had just elected its fi rst leftwing president, Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva. Both the currency and stock exchange were in freefall as investors took fright.

    Lula's fi rst term in offi ce combined cautious economic orthodoxy and some critical social reforms. The minimum wage was raised signifi cantly and an innovative cash transfer called Bolsa Família introduced for poor families. A start was also made in reforming the Brazilian justice system. At the same time the government kept an eye on public spending, ran a primary budget surplus and began to reduce the national debt.

    These days the scenario has been changing. Economic growth stalled last year, choked by a hugely overvalued currency. This year looks even worse, as export demand has been hit by the global recession. While the government's success in reducing its still astronomically high inequality was a spur to domestic demand, economic growth was underpinned by the export of primary commodities such as soya, coffee and iron ore.

In paragraph 1, the noun trepidation translates many Brazilians' feeling of


    No parágrafo 1, a substantiva trepidação traduz o sentimento de muitos brasileiros de  

     A) pura alegria.   B) medo ou nervosismo.   C) elação.   D) autoconfiança.   E) medo, mas também orgulho.

  • (B)

    "Many Brazilians watched the closing ceremony of the London Olympics with trepidation. “Do you think we will be able to manage anything more than a couple of carnival fl oats, some football and traffi c jams?” mused one of my friends."

    Tradução-->Muitos brasileiros assistiram à cerimônia de encerramento das Olimpíadas de Londres com ansiedade. “Você acha que seremos capazes de administrar algo mais do que alguns planos de carnaval, um pouco de futebol e congestionamentos de trânsito?” meditou um dos meus amigos.

    Trepidation--> (a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.)