ID 2157433 Banca UNISUL Órgão Prefeitura de Biguaçu - SC Ano 2016 Provas UNISUL - 2016 - Prefeitura de Biguaçu - SC - Professor III - Inglês Disciplina Inglês Assuntos Falso Cognatos | False Cognates What is the best definition for false cognates Alternativas Words that don’t exist in a language. Antonym words. Words that cannot be used in the beginning of texts. Swear words. Words that are alike in language. Responder Comentários false cognates = alike = parecido Palavras que embora semlhantes ao idoma têm o signiicado diverso. e-false cognates are words that have a similar-looking spelling but unrelated meanings. false cognates are context-sensitive, meaning that their occurrence rests solely on the two languages being compared.