- ID
- 2190133
- Banca
- Órgão
- Prefeitura de Teresina - PI
- Ano
- 2016
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Inglês
- Assuntos
“Mr. Preaud and his wife, who is pregnant,
hit the ground as people screamed, “Get
down, get down!” After the second explosion,
he looked up to see a giant fan — part of an
air-conditioning unit — that had landed near
them. They had been eating at a Délifrance,
talking about Salah Abdeslam, the terrorism
suspect who was arrested in Brussels on
Friday after a four-month global manhunt.”
/brussels (adapted). Access: March 23rd, 2016.
The verbal tense in the passage “had been
eating” is