

Atenção: Considere o texto para responder à questão.

Does an Email Hacking Software really Exist?

  With my experience of over 10 years in the field of ethical hacking and information security, all I can tell you is that there exists no such ready-made software program (as shown and advertised on many websites) that can break into the service provider’s database and hack email passwords. This is just a myth! This may seem a bit disappointing for many, but this is the fact. However, it is still possible to easily hack email passwords using some of the alternative programs and ways as discussed below:

  Working Ways to Hack an Email Password:

  Even though it is impossible to hack the database and instantly crack the email password, it is still possible to trick the users so that they give away the password by themselves. This can be done using a handful of methods like keylogging, social engineering or phishing. However, the easiest and most effective way is by using keyloggers.

  A keylogger is a small program that records each and every keystroke a user types on the keyboard of a specific computer. So when you install a keylogger on the computer from where the target person is likely to access his/her email, it is possible to capture the password. Though keyloggers are not designed to hack email passwords, they can still be used to accomplish the job. Here is a list of some of the interesting facts about keyloggers:

  EASY TO USE: A keylogger does not require any special skills. Anyone with basic computer knowledge should be able to use it.

  REMAINS UNDETECTED: A keylogger will remain undetected after installation and operates in a total stealth mode. So, you need not worry about being caught or traced back.

  REMOTE INSTALLATION: In addition to installation on a location computer, keyloggers also support remote installation. That means you can also install it even on those computers for which you do not have physical access.

(Adapted form: http://www.gohacking.com/email-hacking-software/

A melhor tradução para o trecho from where the target person is likely to access his/her email é 

  • Para acertar essa questão é importante conhecer o significado do advérbio “likely” (provavelmente).

     A keylogger is a small program that records each and every keystroke a user types on the keyboard of a specific computer. So when you install a keylogger on the computer from where the target person is likely to access his/her email, it is possible to capture the password.

    Um keylogger é um pequeno programa que registra cada batida de tecla que um usuário digita no teclado de um computador específico. Assim, quando você instalar um keylogger no computador de onde a pessoa alvo provavelmente acessa seu e-mail é possível capturar a senha.

    Gabarito: A

    Estratégia Concursos.

  • A keylogger is a small program that records each and every keystroke a user types on the keyboard of a specific computer. So when you install a keylogger on the computer from where the target person is likely to access his/her email, it is possible to capture the password.
    Tradução: Um keylogger é um pequeno programa que registra cada batida de tecla que um usuário digita no teclado de um computador específico. Assim, quando você instala um keylogger no computador de onde a pessoa provavelmente  acessa seu e-mail, é possível capturar a senha.

    "Likely" pode ser traduzido como: provavelmente,  suscetível 
    Gabarito do Professor: A
  • a-

    The target person is likely to access their computer from a certain location according to what the pretentious information pilferer has observed. In accordance to information from the text, it's not feasible to outright breach the security system that keeps the users' stored passwords; rather, the attacker will often rely on less tech savvy ways of attaining the same end, like social engineering schemes and keylogging.

    Outro modo de chegar na resposta é saber que likely significa provavelmente, o que elimina todas as respostas erradas porque nenhuma delas contêm esa sugestao.

  • Be likely nos permite expressar uma situação provável.

    ·         It's likely to rain tomorrow. It is probably going to rain tomorrow.

    ·         Is Bob likely to come? Is it probable that Bob will come?


    Na forma negativa, a expressao possui duas construções:

    ·         It isn't likely to rain. It probably won't rain.

    ·         or It's unlikely to rain.

  • from where the target person is likely to access his/her email

    Segui três passos:

    1- From Where = De onde (elimino as alternativas "d" e "e")

    2- target person = Pessoa Alvo (mesmo que eu não soubesse o que era target, sabia que person era pessoa, desta forma elimino a opção "c")

    3- Likely (o sufixo ly corresponde ao "mente" no portugês, desta forma, entre "a" e "b", a opção "a" que atendeu o requisito)

    de onde a pessoa alvo provavelmente acessa seu e-mail. 

  • Helayne Serafim vc é uma gênia! Rsrsrs

    Adorei sua técnica! Parabéns!

  • usando essa tecnica de tradução literal vcs podem cair em falsos cognatos ou errar traduções