

Text 19A3AAA
The transfer of patterns from the native language is undoubtedly one of the major sources of errors in learner language. However, there are other causes for errors too, one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules. For example, research has shown that second-language learners from different first-language backgrounds often make the same kinds of errors when learning a particular second language. In such cases, second-language errors are evidence of the learners’ efforts to discover the structure of the target language itself rather than attempts to transfer patterns from their first language. Interestingly, some of these errors are remarkably similar to the kinds of errors made by first language learners.
These observations are a strong indication that second language learning is not simply a process of putting second-language words into first-language sentences. Research has also shown that aspects of the second language which are different from the first language will not necessarily be acquired later or with more difficulty than those aspects which are similar.
On the other hand, when errors are caused by the overextension of some partial similarity between the first and second languages, these errors may be difficult to overcome. This may be particularly problematic if learners are frequently in contact with other learners who make the same errors.
Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 165 (adapted).

Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.

The sentence “However, there are other causes for errors too, one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules” would remain correct if “which” were replaced with them in the clause “one of which is overgeneralization”.

  • which = Pronome Relativo -> se refere a termos citados anteriormente. No caso, "[...] other causes for errors [...]"


    them = Object Pronoun -> serve para substituir os objetos diretos ou indiretos. Exemplo: I love Bob. (Eu amo o Bob).

                                                                                                                                      I love him. (Eu o amo).

  • Julgue o seguinte item de acordo com o texto 19A3AAA.
    A frase "No entanto, há outras causas para erros também, uma das quais é a supergeneralização das regras de linguagem-alvo" que permaneceria correta se "which (quais)" fosse substituído por them (elas) na frase "uma das quais é a supergeneralização".
    O pronome relativo "which" não pode ser substituído pelo pronome objetivo "them"
    O item está errado.

    Gabarito do professor: ERRADO.

  • Os comentarios dos alunos são mais explicativos que dos professores.

  • Os comentários dessa professora são horríveis!!!!

  • Essa professora é horrorosa...

    Ok, "them" poderia ser usado se a vírgula fosse substituída por "and": “However, there are other causes for errors too and one of them is overgeneralization of target-language rules”.

    Havendo a vírgula, "them" teria que ser seguido de "being": “However, there are other causes for errors too, one of them being overgeneralization of target-language rules”.

  • Apenas para complementar o comentário do Ednardo Raposo:

    A substituição não é possível, pois, em inglês, não se pode separar duas frases completas (sujeito + verbo + predicado) com vírgula. 

  • e-


    Resultaria em erro de pontuação:


    "However, there are other causes for errors too, one of them is overgeneralization of target-language rules”. X


    "However, there are other causes for errors too. One of them is overgeneralization of target-language rules”. V

  • "... there are other causes for errors too, one of which..." is grammatically replaced with WHOM...

    "... there are other causes for errors too, one of whom..."

  • Tá fogo...