ID 2428291 Banca PUC - Campinas Órgão PUC - Campinas Ano 2016 Provas PUC - Campinas - 2016 - PUC - Campinas - Vestibular - 2º Dia Disciplina Inglês Assuntos Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension According to the text in Portuguese, História da pintura, história do mundo, Alternativas many artists, in the Renaissance period, considered perspective to be more important than light. Greek painters endeavored in dramatizing battles rather than portraying the real world. Vermeer created the camera obscura, which allowed for a better control of light. most artists were never interested in depicting machines or any progress-related topics in their paintings. historical events, such as battles and revolutions, were one of the major themes in all and every period of the history of painting. Responder